Use The Approach Box Jump To Build Your Vertical
WHAT DOES THIS DRILL WORK? The approach box jump is a great addition to your training for vertical jump. Not only does the approach box jump have you work through the
WHAT DOES THIS DRILL WORK? The approach box jump is a great addition to your training for vertical jump. Not only does the approach box jump have you work through the
I work with a lot of talented basketball players on vertical jump training. In fact I've recently been working with TJ Leaf of the Pacers with some crazy power improvements
Over the past few months I've been putting out a lot of information on some of the various modalities I use to increase vertical jump with my athletes. I've found
Last week I was testing out a new vertical jump warm-up series with my elite basketball athletes (who have each increased their vertical by 6 inches since starting with OTA). Using
One of my elite basketball athletes has just 2 weeks left until the start of his season, so we're getting focused with this vertical jump workout for basketball. At the
For the last few weeks we've been discussing everything there is to know on developing elite vertical force, so today I'm sharing the top 2 exercises you need to jump
You guys know I've been on a quest for awhile now to find the best formula for an elite vertical. One of the best methods I've discovered is isometric training
Having a strong vertical enhances any athlete in any sport. However, when you think of a sport that most commonly exhibits a vertical jump during game-time, its basketball. Check out this For those of you looking for how to increase your vertical jump, this will depend on many factors - a major one being your overall training experience. If you've never trained