Apply These 3 Advanced Concepts to Get Faster
There’s a BIG misunderstanding from those who try to get faster.
Lots of athletes of all levels don’t know, or just forget, that you need a mixture of weights, speed drills, AND plyometrics to really blow-by your opponents, leaving them mouth agape.
In addition to the laundry list I gave you above… There are also more advanced concepts that you need to keep in mind.
IF you really want to get faster.
There are three I’ll talk about today.
Let’s get into it:
The Rubber-Band Man

Be Her Rebound
Have you ever seen a cheetah run?
If you have, you’ll notice it looks like it glides through the air. While it does so, it stretches its legs forward to cover as much ground as possible.
And when our spotted friend does make contact with the ground, it bounces off it, and propels itself forward with grace.
You know who else has this ability?
Top runners.
And you need to make the most of this speed-boosting ability too.
It’s called the rebound effect.
And multiple studies have shown that a runner’s ability to make contact with the ground, absorb the force, transition efficiently, and push off with power is inherent to successful top speed running. (Duh)
When you get good at this, it allows you to lower your stride frequency, and spend less time on the ground.
So how do you improve this?
Increase your ability to absorb and produce force, which you can do with plyometrics. For help creating a plyometrics guide, go here -> (Plyometrics Guide)
Instagram Angles
Here’s something else people overlook…
When people come out of their 40 stance, and start running upright,
When they kick their legs too far back in the acceleration phase,
And when they’re not pushing off the ground in a way that propels their body forward…
They’re giving the middle finger to physics, and to their speed potential.
Yes, there are mechanically advantageous positions you can get in to get faster. While everyone is different, there are many generally agreed upon parameters for both acceleration and top speed.
Going Deeper
With the information laid out here, there’s plenty of action you can take to get faster.
Start using tempos, incorporate sound plyometric programming, and fix your wonky mechanics.
If you want a one-stop-shop for all of these advanced concepts, and more…
Check out Elite Speed Academy.
It’s a five step, easy-to-follow approach to make your body built for speed.
For more info, click below: