Why Use the Isometric Split Squat?
Isometric split squats are one of the best lower body drills for improving speed, power, and vertical jump. I also call these iso-extremes, and if you’re an athlete looking to perform this drill at home it’s very important that you do so with intent and focus.
Isometric training is one of the most effective ways to gain strength as it places maximal tension on the muscles being worked. I oftentimes use iso drills to develop vertical jump and absolute strength.
How to Perform an Isometric Split Squat
Begin by setting yourself up in a deep lunge position. Make sure the hips stay level with the knee in front, lift the chest and keep the spine long. You will maintain this position for a long period of time, however it’s important to remember this cue: Engage through the front leg so that it feels as if you’re pulling the ground back with the toes of that foot. The toes of the back leg should pull forward so that you create tension pulling both legs together.
You can watch how to perform the isometric split squat here.
Common Mistakes
This drill is easy to cheat, since you could just hold yourself up in the lunge for minutes on end. However, you should remain active the entire time keeping the isometric split squat challenging on both sides.
Remain active over passive.
The length of this iso hold is up to you. The reason you need to remain focused throughout this drill is because as soon as you can no longer create tension pulling the legs together in this lunge – the rep is over. Rest, until you’re able to perform the drill throughly again.
Repeat on both sides.
For more targeted isometric strength drills to become a better athlete, be sure to check out my program Athletic Strength Formula.
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