What’s up OTA Nation,

Hope you guys are having a great day and dominating.

I just got done training some of my baseball players and decided that I was going to drop a new video about how to set up the 60 yard dash.

If you have a showcase coming up or if you’re just an athlete that wants to get better at stealing bases this video is for you.

Update: I have a free Advanced Speed Series. Learn how to start increasing your speed


In it I go over the exact breakdown I teach my athletes here at Strength Camp on how to execute this event.

Enjoy it and if you have any ideas on videos you want to watch drop them in the comment section.

[cleveryoutube video=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSxj28Vlq8Y” vidstyle=”1″ pic=”” afterpic=”” width=”” starttime=”” endtime=”” caption=”” showexpander=”off” alignment=”center” newser=””]


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Update: I have a free Advanced Speed Series. Learn how to start increasing your speed



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