This is a typical hip flexor test that I do to look for muscular imbalances, especially for sprinters. This is something you can eliminate automatically, and it will let you know if you are not getting full extension on your stride, in your sprint. Its really simple. All you need a bench and 30 seconds. If they cannot maintain this position for 30 seconds then they have tight hip flexors and it needs to be addressed. Addressing this issue will ensure that you are getting full extension in your sprint stride.



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Chris Barnard
Chris Barnard

Chris Barnard is a strength and conditioning coach at Strength Camp, a hardcore athlete training facility in St. Petersburg, Florida, as well as author of multiple performance programs. He has worked with athletes at all levels and from many different sports to produce the highest level of performance in each. He currently resides in St Petersburg, Florida and continues to pursuit breakthroughs in athletic performance.