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What up Squad!

We’re back today with another installment of The Top 10 Vertical Jump Drills for explosive gains.

So the last couple of days I’ve been releasing videos of exercises that I’ve been testing with my athletes behind closed doors. If you’re new to Overtime Athletes I have a confession, I’ve actually been MIA for quite some time.

Being busy with Strength Camp and other work related tasks was half the reason why I’ve been gone. But I’ve also trained 100’s of athletes in that time frame, which has given me brand new ideas and perspectives that I’m going to start sharing with you.

Back to what I was saying.

These explosive exercises aren’t brand new but what I have done is tweak them in a way that will directly produce the most power output in your vertical jump.

I’ve had 63 athletes run through this program, and the lowest inches gained was 4’ in 12 weeks. And that was from an elite level athlete.

Update: I have a free Advanced Vertical Jump Series. Learn how to start increasing your vertical


If you’re just starting out your vertical jump journey or are still fairly new to vertical jump training get ready for the most inches you’ll ever gain on your vertical.

Can you tell how excited I am to get this program out to you guys? It’s going to be the best program out there, I know for a fact.

Now for today’s exercise:

#8 Trap Bar Deadlift

Ahhh the good old trap bar.

You see I love using the Trap Bar Deadlift with my athletes. I use it way more than the conventional deadlift and that’s simply because it is an easy movement to teach athletes while simultaneously increasing the load. Which ultimately increases the power output.

Now I can’t knock on the conventional deadlift. It’s one of my favorite exercises, but when it comes to vertical gains the trap bar is where it’s at.

It’s less technical than regular deadlifts and it closely mimics the actual vertical jump movement.

Check out the video and drop your comments below.


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Update: I have a free Advanced Vertical Jump Series. Learn how to start increasing your vertical



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