What’s going on OTA Nation.
So a few days ago I had a good friend of mine write an article on fat loss for athletes.
Which has gotten an awesome response from everyone. So much that we’ve decided to start releasing more information regarding nutrition in the coming weeks.
So be prepared to learn some awesome information.
Today I wanted to come at you with a video I released yesterday about strength plateaus.
In it I go into 3 techniques that I’ve been using with myself and my athletes every time someone hits a wall in their strength improvements.
Update: I have a free Advanced Strength Series. Learn how to break past plateaus and start increasing your strength.
The first time I ever started using percentages was during my time at Arizona playing juco.
You see I’m a very intuitive lifter when it comes to strength training, meaning I listen to my body as I crank up the weight.
As I warm up by body by adding weight to the bar I stay aware of how my body is feeling. When I feel I’ve reached a weight that I can perform my rep range with solid form I stop and use that weight for the day.
But as I’ve come to realize there’s a point where your body stops responding to that type of mentality.
This is when you hit a plateau.
When this happens I fall back on the lessons I learned while training at college.
The strength coaches there relied heavily on percentages and to be completely honest, during that time I never hit a wall and had some of my best strength improvements of my life.
I love lifting intuitively but sometimes you just gotta change it up.
Tri-Phasic Training
I’m not really going to go too much into this technique.
I’ve been preaching about it for years and use it in all of my programming.
Basically, triphasic training is breaking down a kinetic movement into its own training blocks.
So for example in a 12 week training program, you’d concentrate the first 4 weeks (block 1) on using a controlled eccentric movement.
The following 4 weeks (block 2) you concentrate on isometric holds in the middle of the movement.
And the last 4 weeks (block 3) you focus on the concentric part of the lift. By breaking down a movement and concentrating on each phase of a lift like I explained above, you get a much better response from your training.
Range Of Motion
This is a pretty self explanatory technique.
We all have sticking points.
You might be awesome at locking out in the deadlift but for me, it’s probably one of my biggest drawbacks.
So I worked on improving it, performing block pulls was the trick for me to overcome this weakness I had.
If you work on strengthening a weakness in a certain lift your body has no choice but to get stronger as a whole.
Give these 3 techniques a shot next time you hit a wall.
I guarantee you’ll climb right over that b!tch.
[cleveryoutube video=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPK_bAqf60Y” vidstyle=”1″ pic=”” afterpic=”” width=”” starttime=”” endtime=”” caption=”” showexpander=”off” alignment=”center” newser=””]
If you’ve used other techniques to overcome a plateau drop them in the comments below. I’d love to hear what you guys got.
Update: I have a free Advanced Strength Series. Learn how to break past plateaus and start increasing your strength.